1099 Base Service
$25.00 annually
401k/HSA/FSA/WC Custom Report Creation
Accounts in 'Applied For' Status Over 60 Days
$100.00 per month
Add YTD Entry After Original Implementation Date
$200.00 per file
Additional State Fees
$7.00 per state per month
Amend/Late Filing Quarterly Reports or Replace Reports
$125.00 each
Collect & Remit Garnishments
$4.00 per garnishment per cycle
Correct & Reissue a W-2 Form
$125.00 each
Correct Payroll Administrator Error
$100.00 per incident
Custom General Ledger Report Creation
Custom Report Update
Direct Deposit Return (Failure)
$20.00 per request
Execute Same Day ACH Payroll Processing (Cannot Guarantee Delivery)
$200.00 per request
Extend Access After Cancellation
$200.00 per month
Grant a Payroll Processing Exception
$100.00 per request
Include Third Party Sick Pay
$25.00 per request
Monthly Account Management Fee
$150.00 per month
Payroll Recalled Item
$125.00 per item returned
Print & Mail 1099 Forms***
$12.00 each
Research/Problem Solving
$200.00 per hour
Returned Item/Payroll Recall
$125.00 per item returned
Unable to complete quarterly tax filing due to 'applied for' status or incomplete set up (Tiered)
$300-$500 each
Void an Employee Payroll
$10.00 per request
Year End W-2 Forms*
$5.00 each