6 Great Company Culture Videos to Help Improve Your Organization

Hiring and retaining talented employees is essential to your business. But it’s important to get off on the right foot, and fast. In fact, you have just 44 days on average to convince a new hire to stick around long-term.

Replacing them is something you’ll feel on your bottom line. So how can you show new or potential hires why they should commit to your company?

People want to know:

Using a comprehensive message to entice new employees is always a better recruitment tactic than throwing out any old job ad, but it’s especially important now.

According to our most recent compensation report, much of the workforce has been eyeing the door. That means employers need to focus on retention and ensuring their company culture is front and center to capture employee’s loyalty.

Producing company culture videos that give a peek into your organizational culture is a fun and effective way to showcase the best parts of your workplace and people. Learn more from BambooHR.


Why Company Culture Videos are Important

It’s human nature to want to feel like you belong, and that desire doesn’t go away when people walk into work. Almost all (94%) respondents to the American Psychological Association’s Work in America survey stated that it was important for them to feel a sense of belonging in their workplace.

We all want to be accepted and work with people we get along with. A positive company culture can help employees feel accepted and engaged, leading to employee success. If the culture is toxic, employees will feel unsatisfied, or even unsafe, and leave.

When people choose to join your company, your culture will be one of their top considerations. Fancy perks like bean bag chairs or a fridge full of sparkling water don’t sway qualified candidates anymore. Culture must go beyond perks into how you support and empower your employees to be at their best, whether at work or home.

Culture is expressed through the company’s attitudes and behavior, including:

But explaining your company’s culture can be difficult, and it’s not something that can always be put into words. That’s where company culture videos come into play. They can make a big difference for potential hires—but there’s an art to it.

Having a Company Culture Video Showcases Your Unique Company Culture

As the business world continues to reach out to Millennials and Gen Z, video is the go-to medium for advertising an employer’s brand. This is especially relevant since 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day.

Many turn to YouTube, X, and Instagram for information about a workplace’s culture before even checking out the business’s website, so having a company culture video can be a big asset for building a distinctive employer brand and reaching candidates.

Tips on What to Include in a Culture Video

You can paint a picture of what it’s like to work for your company by featuring a few key elements of your company. These might include:

Creating your first video doesn’t have to be complicated. Even if you don’t have much budget available, your HR team can create a successful company culture video. Find out if any of your employees have experience with video editing (e.g., with their own personal videos), or find a simple video editing software tool.

However, with how important employer branding and workplace culture are, not just in hiring but with customers, it might be worth investing more budget and energy into making or commissioning an engaging video that makes the case for who you are as a company.

6 Examples of Company Culture Videos

The most important thing about company culture videos is how it makes the viewer feel. You want the audience to feel inspired and motivated to join your team, but also to leave with an accurate understanding of what your company is like and how they might fit in.

In other words, it’s not simply an advertisement—it’s a window into who you are as an employer. Here are a few culture videos to inspire you as you create one of your own to showcase your company culture.

1. Fiverr

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/S5rvJOcff_I?si=nyCp-UdI9UDBptGv" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

“This is another generic recruitment video. Let us begin.”

From the opening line alone, this recruitment video is already telling us that it isn’t going to be generic at all.

What We Think This Video Does Well

Fiverr is an online freelance marketplace offering all kinds of services from freelancers worldwide. Sounds like any other freelance website out there, right? That’s why Fiverr uses humor to stand out and show people that working there is fun.

In Fiverr’s company culture video, they parody numerous recruitment video clichés such as meetings, writing on glass with markers, and the satirical character, “Token Longboard Bro.” The narrator’s dry delivery makes it all more humorous.

Key Takeaways

Humor can make your company’s “About Us” video more memorable, especially if much of your competition’s content already looks and feels the same. Just make sure you aren’t taking things to the point where qualified candidates will dismiss you because you’re too silly or you’re sending the message that your company is a place where people can just goof off.

2. Netflix

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pl4UYZfVmTA?si=2a0p_AErc1RN-zAm" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sometimes, bringing things back to the basics is all you need. You can create a great company culture video that focuses on employees and their perceptions of your company values in an interview-style video. You can use this type of culture video to show a variety of people in a range of roles and backgrounds.

What We Think This Video Does Well

Netflix’s company culture video is easy to follow and comes across as honest with its interview-style, question-and-answer structure. It uses multiple cameras and varied framing to keep the video interesting, lending to an authentic feel. To add to the variety (and sense of team play) they include both one-on-one and two-person interviews in intimate, comfortable settings.

Key Takeaways

People enjoy honesty. Sometimes you can run the risk of overdoing it in a video, meaning you come across as fake or trying too hard. Videos like this cement the core values as a key part of the company and emphasize that they affect employees at all levels—not just the top brass.

3. SAP

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/K3GuI5JV6rc?si=iMHLuRoKzYVajf4t" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

One way to show the type of people you’re looking for is by having your employees talk about what they do at work. This is what SAP does in one of their company culture videos.

SAP is a German enterprise software company with offices worldwide. They’ve produced a number of great company culture videos, but we’ll just focus on this one for now.

What We Think This Video Does Well

In this fast-paced video, several employees explain:

At the same time, the video shows how they work and what the workplace is like.

The employees also describe what kind of team they are, outlining a company that motivates their staff to experiment and explore in the hopes of encouraging innovative people to join up.

Key Takeaways

The SAP video is a great example of putting your best foot forward. People are going to watch it and connect the dots— “If I apply here, these can be my coworkers!” If you’ve taken care to establish a welcoming, supportive, and desirable culture where employees feel psychologically safe, this is a great way to highlight it!

4. Google

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n_Cn8eFo7u8?si=84Q7jE7S5RuuGc6i" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Instead of showing people what kind of employees you’re looking for, you could show what working at the company would be like. Google doesn’t just demonstrate the type of people who work there—they give an insight into why you would want to beyond the fancy offices and benefits.

With a testimonial-style format from a range of people in the business, Google shares a narrative that speaks to potential and the desire to innovate. If that’s you, you’ll find a place at Google.

What We Think This Video Does Well

Google is a tech supergiant that constantly strives to change the space. Based on the testimonials, you get a sense that an innovative risk-taker would fit in well, someone ready to push the boundaries. But that’s not Google telling you that’s what they want; it’s the staff’s testimonials painting the picture for someone with that appetite.

This makes it come across as honest and lets people decide if they’re a match.

Key Takeaways

Another point worth noting is that Google employees hammer home the importance of innovation, pushing the boundaries and going beyond your skillset or breaking rules. They don’t shy away from hard work or challenges. While some people might be intimidated, it could appeal to people—boosting retention as they find a job that aligns with them.

By interviewing a range of roles about their experience, this culture video gives a full experience of Google’s culture and how it impacts each element of the business.

5. Patagonia

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LP5MEDTz-sU?si=hnwmanYf4bz2zdG0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just like customers, potential hires may choose to align themselves only with companies that share their values and interests. Your company culture videos can show what your team is passionate about.

What We Think This Video Does Well

As an outdoor clothing company, Patagonia is looking for team members who love nature—which is front and center. Patagonia positions itself as a company made for people who want to work but still do what they love.

Instead of a one-off video, Patagonia dives into their culture in a “What We Do” video series that takes a bitesize look at different facets of the company. But one thing is in common—their values resonate.

Key Takeaways

Your company isn’t going to be a great fit with every potential recruit out there, and that’s okay. Be upfront about who you are, and hopefully you’ll connect with the right employees—not simply warm bodies who won’t go the distance because they never really bought into your values to begin with.

6. Bumble

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FDhm-MviVCA?si=yO1RWIP0e5W-SyvK" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If your team members are open to the idea, why not have them film part of their day at work? Many great company culture videos are also day-in-the-life videos. It gives people a peek into how team members behave around each other without the scripted feeling that comes with a lot of workplace culture videos. They can even get a sneak peek at what happens in the video’s background to see if you really “walk the walk.”

What We Think This Video Does Well

Although Bumble’s “Employee Morning Routine” series mainly shows a team member heading to work, it gives you an idea of what working with them would be like. Having the employee talk in a space they’re more familiar with—like their car—makes their experiences and insights seem more approachable.

Key Takeaways

It’s a great idea to use your employees in your videos, but make sure they are comfortable having their image shared and enthusiastic about the experience. Again, there’s the idea that she could be the recruit’s coworker—or given how satisfied she seems with her job, she could even represent the job candidate’s future as an engaged employee at your company. That future looks appealing here.

Show, Don’t Tell

The best thing you can do for your company culture is show off exactly why your employees love working for you. There are many ways to do that, but nothing offers as much space to explore the multiple facets of culture as a company culture video. Of course, you need to have a culture worth showing off in the first place. If you’ve put in the work to create one, the rest is easy.

Just be sure to:

With a strong company culture video that represents the work you put in, your new employees might be just a play button away. Remember, you’re not just pitching a job—you’re building a relationship with the kind of people who’ll fit in with your culture.

If you want to learn more about company culture and how to develop it, our definitive guide is the place to start. It’s the best way to curate a culture worth putting on video.
