
screenshot 1 payscale

screenshot 1 payscale

screenshot 1 payscale

screenshot 1 payscale


Barley is a powerful compensation platform for simplifying and streamlining all of your compensation management needs. Barley’s all-in-one compensation solutions automate your compensation reviews, centralize your salary bands, and unlock proactive compensation analytics.

You’ll also access global market data powered by Mercer, a trusted and leading benchmarking source, directly within Barley.

Say goodbye to manual spreadsheets! With Barley’s BambooHR integration, you will seamlessly sync all of your employee compensation data and job information straight to Barley, allowing you to focus on making smarter and more proactive compensation decisions.

Automate comp reviews in one place (without spreadsheets)

Reduce Comp Cycle Time
Streamline the entire configuration and management of your comp/merit review cycles - reduce your time spent by 2 to 4 weeks.

Control your Spend
Empower your managers with guidelines and budget controls to enable better pay allocation - cut spend on average by 10%.

Share Securely

Grant access to the right people. Never worry about accidentally sharing a spreadsheet with the wrong person again.

Seamlessly build, manage, and visualize pay bands – your way

Your Source of Truth for Comp
Build a consistent & equitable pay structure tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Visualize Your Pay Bands
Create visual pay bands and see the employee distribution within them - plus update and share with ease.

Built for Global Teams

Set up pay zones to support any approach to location-based pay, however general or specific.

Expose your pay issues with proactive comp analytics

Monitor your Comp Health
Barley proactively flags key compensation risk areas across your company so that you can focus your priorities on what matters most.

Expose Pay Equity Issues
Whether its top performers falling below band or pay compression, Barley exposes problem areas across performance, gender, tenure and more.

Compare Strategy to Reality

Understand how your employees are actually distributed against your pay structure and compensation philosophy.

Enable better pay decisions with leading global market data

Complete Global Data
Instantly get access to Mercer’s latest global market data across 90+ countries and 150+ cities.

Seamless Integration
Automatically have the latest market data flow directly into your Barley account without the need to continuously manage or import spreadsheets.

Embedded Market Data

Whether analyzing this data against your pay bands or powering compensation workflows, leverage market data within Barley to guide smarter and more proactive pay decisions.


How it works.

The process of integrating BambooHR and Barley only takes a few simple steps. No IT support needed.

All the relevant employee and compensation data will automatically sync with Barley and you can get started with streamlining your compensation workflows, and making smarter comp decisions.

The Barley and BambooHR is a one-way integration where data flows from BambooHR into Barley. As you make updates to your employees within BambooHR, the changes will get reflected directly within the Barley platform.

Steps to Install.

Step 1: Enter your Company's Subdomain
Enter your BambooHR subdomain (e.g. and click Submit. You will be prompted to Open Window and log in to your BambooHR account.

Step 2: Map your Custom Data Fields
You will be asked to sync a few custom data fields between BambooHR and Barley.
Once you have mapped all two fields. Click Save mappings.

Step 3: Complete Sync

Your BambooHR data will begin to sync with Barley. Depending on the size of your organization, this can take up to an hour for the first sync.

What data syncs?

BambooHR Field
Sync Direction
Barley Field
Field Logic or Notes
Employee #
Employee ID
First Name
First Name/ Last Name
Last Name
Hire Date
Hire Date
Termination Date
Termination Date
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Marital Status
Marital Status
Work Email
Work Email
Employee Status
Employee - Status
Employment Status - Effective Date
Job - Effective Date
Employment Status - Employment Status
Job - Employment Type
Compensation - Effective Date
Job - Effective Date
Compensation - Pay Type
Job - Base Pay
Compensation - Pay Rate
Job - Base Pay
Compensation Change Reason
Job - Pay Change Reason
Job Information - Effective Date
Job - Effective Date
Job Information - Location
Job Location
Job Information - Division
Job - Division
Job Information - Department
Job - Department
Job Information - Job Title
Job - Job Title
Job Information - Reports To
Employee Custom Tables
Variable Pay or Bonus Target
Barley allows our customers to specify custom tables and fields to be retreived from the BambooHR API to be stored as Variable Pay or Bonus Target in Barley
Employee Custom Fieds
Barley allows customers to configure the ability to have custom employee fields. This allows our customers to bring in data into Barley from BambooHR to augment their employee data.



Updated: 9/1/2024


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Email Support:

[email protected]

Support Hours:

9am to 9pm ET