
Receive Free Quote


See Hundreds of Small Business Plans at Once

We have every small business health insurance plan from every carrier with the lowest rates, guaranteed. Choose from the best medical, dental, and vision plans.

Our team provides unbiased recommendations to help find the best fit for you. The services, recommendations, and features are 100% free.

Four Simple Steps to Being Insured

Our application can be completed in 10 minutes, 100% online. During this process, your employees can complete their own individual applications online.

Our team has processed 1000s of insurance applications successfully. We work directly with the carriers to ensure the details are accurate.

Our Mission is to Eliminate the Fear of Health Insurance

Our dedicated, full-time customer support team works for you, not the insurance carriers.

We take care of everything from answering insurance questions to solving insurance issues on behalf of you and your employees.


How it works.

Follow the link in the BambooHR marketplace to receive a free, instant quote.

What data syncs?

BambooHR Field
Sync Direction
Gifted Field
Field Logic or Notes
Employer #
Employer ID
This is the identifying field for the integration. The two systems Employee #/ID must match.
Employer Email
Employer Email



Updated: 11/09/2021

Phone Support:


Email Support:

[email protected]

Support Hours:

7am - 5pm Pacific Time